Ministry Update: September 2024
Dear FamilyLife partners and friends,
We trust that all is well with you and yours, we are doing well by His grace also. As is customary, the following is an update on the ministry of FamilyLife Trinidad and Tobago as at September 2024.
Did you know that 15 million adults are diagnosed with social anxiety disorder annually in the United States? Today, there is an increasing emphasis on materialism, money and social appearance that is pushing the culture towards individualism vs family and community. Loneliness is at an all time high. Now more than ever we need to reconnect, starting with marriage. If husbands and wives remain committed and connected, the effect trickles down to their children and can have a positive impact on their communities.
This is why our last Weekend to Remember marriage getaway focused on reestablishing and maintaining deeper connection. There were 45 couples in attendance and the feedback indicated that 98% of participants agreed that the getaway had a positive effect on their relationship. This continues to be our raison d’être, our mission to change the world one home at a time by bringing help and hope to families, which is only possible because of the support we receive from you - our partners and friends; thank you.
Up Next:

FamilyLife Latin America & the Caribbean Conference
On October 17th to 19th 2024, we, along with 8 other couples from the Caribbean will be attending the FamilyLife LAC conference, in Panama. This conference is aimed at key couples, influential Christian leaders and pastors who are called to work to strengthen values in the families of their cities. There will be three days of conferences, discussions, training workshops, prayer times and ministry, with relevant strategies and topics that help us fulfil the Great Commission in the areas where we minister to the family.
We are presently raising the extra support that is needed to cover the cost for us to attend the conference (registration, airfare and accommodation) - TT$18,000. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in this endeavour. You can do a bank transfer to Family Life bank account: RBL Checking Account #350126364401 or you can click the "Contribute" button below.
Blended & Blessed - A Renewed Us
A Marriage Seminar for Step Families, specially tailored for step families couples, dating couples with kids, and those who care about blended families. Let us know if you are interested in attending and stay connected for more info. Click the button below.

Our calling and passion is to help families in Trinidad & Tobago and the Caribbean experience the gospel and be transformed by the eternal truths about marriage and family, found in God's Word. None of this is possible without your help. YOU are helping to change and shape the trajectory of marriages and families in our nation, strengthening them with the love and hope of Christ. Through your partnership with FamilyLife T&T generations of marriages, individuals, and families will trust Jesus.
Is there something in your life you’d like us to pray for? We would be honored to lift your burdens in prayer to our High Priest who intercedes for us. No matter how deeply rooted or seemingly shallow your request may feel, it is not a bother to our Lord. In fact, He invites us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). We commit to diligently pray for any requests emailed to us. Just send us a quick reply letting us know how we can pray for you. We serve a great God who sympathizes with us and hears us when we call upon Him. Click here: familylife.tt@gmail.com
We love and appreciate you and your continued support and prayers for us and our Ministry.
Yours in Christ,
Russel & Joelle Aching
Team Leaders - FamilyLife-TT