Our Resources
FamilyLife provides multiple resources that help people build stronger homes and communities and empowers them to have a thriving family life. Our materials are presented in various formats:
Group Workshops
Small Group Studies/ Discussions
All resources are professionally designed yet sufficiently simple for easy delivery. Our aim is to maximize our impact by providing support to individuals and organizations who share the passion for strenthing families.

Youth at the Crossroads
Our Life at the CrossRoads programme is an HIV intervention strategy and Character development programme, designed to assist youth between 11-16yrs to make wise choices. CrossRoads is a highly-interactive program created by educational, medical and youth services professionals, and presents a unique risk-avoidance message. The main reason HIV and STDs continues to thrive across the globe is because people make poor choices and engage in high-risk behavior, the CrossRoads strategy, by emphasizing healthy relationships, systematically helps youth build good character, so they can avoid whatever high-risk behaviors they might face.
Weekend to Remember
A fun, romantic, two-day weekend getaway that changes lives as it strengthens marriages. The getaway weekend is a time to be together as a couple to invest in and strengthen the foundation of your marriage, no matter how firm or fragile it is. By getting away from the distractions of life, you can fortify your most important relationship and work toward building wonderful memories together, for decades to come. View video promo.
The Art of Marriage
Whether you've been married five months, five years, or five decades, The Art of Marriage Connect Series will help you connect with friends and find help and hope for your marriage. Each topic in the series focuses on a real-life marriage issue and delivers biblically-centered truth and practical application in a small-group study format to make your marriage healthy and strong.
The Art of Marriage can also presented to a group as a one-day, interactive video workshop.
View video promo.
Blended and Blessed
A one-day live event and livestream for stepfamily couples, single parents, dating couples with kids, and those who care about blended families. View video promo.
Marriage Oneness
It's where you and me become we. In these dynamic, video-based sessions that any couple with a passion for marriages can lead, Marriage Oneness equips couples to grow in true intimacy, connection, and purpose—and experience closeness for a lifetime. Along with a profile to evaluate and address each couple’s own oneness level, Marriage Oneness includes Circle Up small-group discussions, Oneness Work application exercises to complete together, and a personalized Next Steps Planner. View video promo.
Stepping Up
Dig deeper into what it means to step up and live a courageous life with the Stepping Up Video Series. Based on his book by the same title, Dennis Rainey, along with other ministry leaders unpack what biblical manhood looks like and what it means to be a godly, courageous man in today's world. Through engaging stories, expert teaching, humorous vignettes, man-on-the-street interviews, and personal insights, these men's ministry leaders call every man to become courageous leaders in their own lives, marriages, churches, and communities. Accompanied by small-group discussion and individual follow-up exercises, men of every age will learn action tools for gospel-centered living to empower them to be true heroes in their families and communities. View video promo.
The Life Ready Woman
From stay-at-home moms to globe-trotting executives, from singles to seniors, every modern woman has wondered, “How do I juggle it all?” Now, The Life Ready Woman helps you discover God’s road map for finding balance, peace, and delight in this crazy contemporary life.
With this culturally relevant, video-guided experience, women of all ages, stages, and backgrounds will be empowered to think purposefully about life. View video promo.
Grace Based Parenting
Raising kids is the most important thing you'll ever do.
Grace Based Parenting shows moms and dads how to love their kids the way God loves His: with grace! Parents will gain a realistic job description for raising spiritually strong children with calm hearts that are full of purpose and hope. Parents can expect to walk away from this training with a blueprint for building confident, courageous and cooperative kids. View video promo.
FamilyFirst Radio Program
Thought provoking concepts and tips for promoting healthy family relationships.
FamilyFirst is a 2-minute radio broadcast on the Family Focus Broadcasting Network - ISAAC 98.1fm, and is aired Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:00am and 6:30pm. The program is hosted by Team Leaders Russel and Joelle Aching and features excerpts from various resources on marriage and family relationships in general.