“Life at the CrossRoads” Teaching Training
Life Skills for making Right Choices
Most of our societal ills such as addictions, violence, and early sexual involvement of youth can be traced to failure in making right choices and weakening of the family structure. “Life at the CrossRoads” is a global educational initiative in 53 countries that helps youth make wise choices. CrossRoads is a life skills, character development and risk avoidance curriculum for secondary schools that features Jesus as a role model of good character.
FamilyLife T&T (a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ) offers CrossRoads, and has partnered with many schools in Trinidad and with the Division of Education of the THA for over 12 years. CrossRoads has been implemented in all of Tobago’s 11 government secondary schools in Forms 1 through 3. “Life at the CrossRoads” has been found “to be very effective based on the independent audits and surveys carried out with all school principals” (T&T Chamber of Industry & Commerce Budget Submission, 2011, p. 22). Principals have identified the program as one of the factors that have brought down school violence in Tobago’s schools. CrossRoads has 28 interactive, completed lesson plans that cover two of the four components of the HFLE (Health & Family Life Education) curriculum that is being implemented in all secondary schools in Trinidad & Tobago by the Ministry of Education. It is an excellent resource for teaching HFLE in schools, faith groups & communities.
CrossRoads’ Teacher Training, a 30-hour professional teacher training course, will be held on November 1-3, 2018 (Thursday to Saturday), from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, at the Anapausis Community, Upper Mohammed St., Curepe. Persons who complete the 3-day course and teaching practicum will receive a certificate to teach the curriculum. Registrants are required to have a class that they have permission to teach. The registration fee is TT$1,000 per person for the 3-day workshop, which includes lunch, drinks, the complete CrossRoads teacher’s manual, the “Jesus” film for children DVD, and handouts.
Scholarships worth TT$300 are available for the first 35 persons to register.
Payment can be made at the Campus Crusade for Christ/FamilyLife office at Anapausis, or at any Republic Bank branch or online transfer to FamilyLife, Republic Bank Account # 350126364401. A scan/ pic of the deposit slip or copy of the online transfer transaction record should be e-mailed (with the complete name of the registrant) to cccttadm@gmail.com. Only the first 35 persons to register will receive an e-mail confirming that they qualified for the TT$300 scholarship.
For more information, you may call Celene: 662-0632, 221-0390, or Cecile: 355-0381.